TECH millionaire Bryan Johnson aims to reverse his biological age from 46 to 18 through cutting-edge stem cell treatment in the Bahamas.
Johnson’s father also underwent a simpler stem cell procedure for cognitive improvement.
Bryan Johnson, a tech millionaire, is on a mission to reverse his biological age from 46 to 18. Over the past three years, Johnson has invested millions of dollars into an anti-aging protocol that involves cutting-edge therapies, including a recent stem cell treatment in the Bahamas.
Johnson traveled to a luxury resort in the Bahamas, co-owned by Tiger Woods and Justin Timberlake, for a specialised procedure. This treatment involved injecting 300 million stem cells into his six major joints. The stem cells, sourced from young Swedish bone marrow by a company called Cell Collars Clinical, were intended to give him ‘superhero joints’, enhance athletic performance, eliminate pain, and even contribute to overall longevity.
“Those healthy young Swedish cells should multiply in my body, future-proofing all my major joints and taking me one step closer to age 18,” Johnson stated in the video on his YouTube channel. The stem cells, transported thousands of miles in cryo tanks, were thawed and injected into Johnson’s knees, hip, and shoulders.
Johnson’s father also received a systemic therapy involving 100 million stem cells injected directly into his vein, aimed at overall body rejuvenation. In Bahamas, Johnson was administered the stem cell injections on two separate days. On both days he was injected with 150 million stem cells each. Day one involved injections into both knees and the right hip, while day two focused on the left hip and both shoulders.
“The cells have just arrived. The sooner we can get them into my body, the better,” Johnson said. The entire process is extremely time-sensitive with just a window of 28 minutes to inject them in the desired body part.
Johnson did experience some discomfort which he said was similar to a ‘car crash’. But he mostly remained optimistic, viewing the pain as part of the healing process.
Johnson’s father’s cognitive functions and general health had significantly declined and hence he also underwent a process. However, it was much simpler than Johnson’s.
“My mind was the most terrible thing,” Johnson’s father recounted, highlighting the cognitive challenges he faced before Brian’s interventions. “But very quickly, I saw reversal.” Johnson’s father has undergone three procedures so far which includes a plasma procedure, gene therapy and injecting stem cells in his body.